
craft::mixed up mini

Way before I discovered Ali's great tutorial, I was using binder rings and scraps to create random books. My bookbinding education soon grew to include book cloth, linen tape, pva and an assortment of other tools. I wouldn't call myself accomplished...but adequate. Despite this knowledge...i still have a fondness for binder rings and the ease of just punching holes and compiling random bits.

For a long while I have longed to begin a new tradition with Keith. Something that belonged to us and that we could use to document our life as a couple. When we moved I discovered a plethora of old post it's and napkins that I had saved over several years with notes and such scrawled in a haphazard way. My husband is a writer. I am a wannabe. Our relationship began with the written word and it seemed fitting to continue in that vein. I decided that it might be nice to simplify our mutual correspondence, to somehow keep it contained. It was then that the book of notes and quotes was born. Our annual collection of love graffiti. I will retire each book on our anniversary and create a new one. No more post its. Just pen, paper, binder rings and love.

For the record...Keith loved the idea and looks forward to professing his mad love.


Anonymous said...

why must you be so damn cute all the time? why!?

bloomers shoppe said...

this is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. you could sell these. i am sure the time it takes to make them wouldn't be worth it though...it looks like it took FOREVER! i love it.