
modern vintage

I adore milk caps. Does that sound like an odd statement? Probably, since most people under a certain age don't even know what they are. I used to spend hours sorting my grandfather's vast collection. I was entranced by the vintage graphics and bright colors. To be clear, they were before my time as well:)

A few months ago I came across this very cool idea for vintage milk caps on design sponge and started sketching a few ideas of my own. I wanted to recreate the cap as an embellishment...something that would capture that vintage graphic look, but with a modern touch. I wanted to use them on my own mixed media projects and scrapbook pages.

Here's what I finally came up with...just in times for the holidays:

pick some up here.


Katie W. said...

These are super cute. I am a vintage milk cap collector...brings back memories of waiting for the milk man delivery at my grandmas when I was little.
Anyhow, I just discovered your blog and read through quite a bit of it and loved every word. You are a talented writer.
I have to tell you that I MISS Washington and Seattle so much. We are a Navy family and were stationed on Whidbey Island for 3 years. Wa. is magical in my opinion. I would move back there in a heartbeat.
Seattle seems like a perfect match for your personality. Especially if you are a bit of an indoor crafty type of person, like me!!!
Thanks for sharing a bit of you with me today!

bananafish said...

Oh Katie, this warms my heart. It's nice to find another soul sister in the world. I'm happy you enjoyed the blog:)

Kelly said...

i think these milk caps are just so so (ummm, i can't think of the word) but i love them. and they are sold out. ohh! anyway, lovely, lovely. are special orders allowed?