

When it comes to crafting my interests tend to branch off in many different directions. Wasn't it Van Gogh that said, "the way to know life is to love many things?" Well, if one were to subscribe to that notion one could say that I am on my way to knowing life quite well.

One of my dearest loves is crochet. It is both something old and rather new to me. My grandmother crocheted as well as my mother. Although I only vaguely remember being taught to chain, I do remember the rhythmic in and out of the hook and how that simple motion turned nothing into something. I didn't return to the hook until many years later, when a friend became my crochet instructor. From there my abilities blossomed. I read tons of books and watched countless videos...this one being my favorite by far. In no time I was collecting almost as much yarn as paper. In the last year or two I have greatly reduced my collection of both. In order to keep things manageable and myself inspired I only buy yarn for specific projects and  only have a few skeins for spontaneous things.

some of my most recent projects have been:

this necklace. I first saw them online somewhere and thought to myself...I could make that. Then I saw them for sale at Assemble and wow! They were even prettier in person. I visited the designer's blog and discovered she was sharing the pattern for free. I love generous artists and craftspeople...I know they can't all be, but I appreciate it when they are. Keep in mind...her pattern is for personal use only!

 sorry for the bad picture, I despise the lighting in my bathroom

I also completed the cowl about a month ago. My neck is always freezing especially when I go on walks...I wanted something that would stay in place. This is my own pattern and probably the simplest thing you could ever make. Just a long rectangle and then you whip stitch the edges together. I found this pattern here and it's a simple one.

Another thing I love to whip up especially while I'm watching tv are coasters. They work up really fast and they make really nice gifts. These are so simple and are made just by going in circles.

If you are interested in learning to crochet you can always visit a local yarn shop or do what I did...get a few books and let the many generous crochet experts on You Tube teach you for free.

tomorrow I will share my favorite crochet websites and blogs.

Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well.

-vincent van gogh


Martha Winger said...

I love to crochet coasters on car trips! They are so quick and don't require following a pattern. The necklace you crocheted is feminine and cool at the same time. Just found your blog and looking forward to more posts.

Diana said...

All so pretty! I'm not a knitter or crocheter (sp?) but these are lovely eye candy.