
aaaaand I come right back

I just wrote a long ass post about blogging and how I'm not really a blogger, but just a girl with a blog, and how it's not really the same...and yeah, I bored myself. So, I will spare you all of that.

I stumbled a bit with my Mon, Wed, Fri posting but when that happens, I somehow manage to come right back. I like this little piece of Internet I've carved out. I'm not terribly good at generating content though since I don't have kids, my dog doesn't talk, I can't legally discuss the clients and companies for whom I work, my exercise plan is for shit, I can never get good pictures of my dinner, I rarely bake, I'm reading Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time, I have yet to complete my monthly scrapbook spread, I don't DIY, I haven't picked up my knitting needles in a while, I haven't traveled anywhere that hasn't already been well documented, the studio shop is still quite undone, I've never had a Moscow Mule, I'm not much of a thrifter, I don't have any advice on being a designer/small business owner/ amateur rapper other than be nice and make things, I don't drink coffee, I'm not a great photographer, and much to my husband's chagrin, I have yet to succumb to World Cup fever.

What does that leave? Oh, I know...

Happy Friday the 13th


Kelly said...

other than 'i do have a kid' you could have described me. that is why i love to read whatever you write whenever you happen to write it.

Katrina said...

I can say "ditto" to a lot of this (but seriously...I need to try a moscow mule already!). To add to it, I don't have cable, so I've never seen Downton Abbey, Breaking Bad, or _______(insert whatever show here). So keep writing, b/c I'm reading! <-selfish plea. :)

Anne said...

Despite all that (or rather because of all that), that's why I keep coming back. I'm a terrible commenter, but your posts frequently make me smile. And I need more of that in my life. :)