
Out of the box

Okay, so I'm not a box maker by any means, but sometimes...you know, you see a cute box and you think "hey! I can make that." Well usually, I can't, but I don't discover that reality until hours later.

Anyway, that little intro brings me to my most recent foray into the world of box making. I love giving gifts. Love it, but sometimes I want to get a bit fancy with my packaging. So, I decided to try my hand at creating a sweet lil box out of a not so sweet box...does that make sense? Well folks... it worked. I was very happy with my boxes and the best part...they took less than an hour to make. How, you might ask, was that possible...well, check back tomorrow and I'll give you all the directions. For now, here's a pic...

oh, and since I find it hard to post without a yummy link...try this on for size

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