
the start of something new...

image borrowed from knitch blog

for the last several weeks I've been a bit of a hermit, venturing out for naught but a quick spin around the complex for Akira's sake. I've been missing my family, my friends, my neighborhood...and, in a way, this has kept me from enjoying my new neighborhood and meeting and making new friends. So...in an effort to leave the house and partake in some sort of social activity I decided to take a beyond basics workshop at Knitch.

is a fabulous little store filled to the brim with the loveliest yarn and the kindest ladies ever. In the first few minutes of the workshop I discovered that I had been knitting backwards this entire time. 4 scarves later...all backward. Who knew? I suppose that's what happens when you learn from a book and your education is purely observational. Clearly I come from the school of...if it looks right...good enough.

Anyhow, knit artist Kate helped me to break the bad backward habit and enter into a new age of knitting the right way. I am now happily knitting in the round and eager to attend part two of the workshop next week.

I love that Knitch offers so many options. you can create your own kits, purchase yarn, take classes...you can even download free patterns. Everyone is so kind and inclusive...it really feels like a space brimming with warmth and creativity. There were also several gentlemen milling about. Nice to see dudes secure enough to put aside silly traditional roles and take up the needles. Knitch may very well become my new obsessions...at least it puts me on the road to successfully completing my "12 things."

More on the "12 things" project tomorrow.

until then...

1 comment:

Diana said...

"12 things"? I'm curious... I hope scrapbooking is one of them (smile).

You did promise some more scrapbooking posts, remember... no pressure or anything (smile again)